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一、简  历

陈念科1989年生,副教授。2011年于皇冠集团官网材料科学与工程学院材料物理系本科毕业,2018年获得皇冠集团官网(中国)有限公司物理电子学博士学位。利用第一性原理计算和电子结构分析方法,从事信息存储技术的微观机制研究以及光诱导信息材料超快相变动力学研究,以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文22篇,其中包括Physical Review LettersAdvanced Materials, Applied Physics ReviewsAdvanced Functional MaterialsActa MaterialiaAdvanced SciencePhysical Review BApplied Physical LettersIEEE Transactions on Nano Technology等国际著名期刊。Google Scholar总引1436次,h指数20。其中在Physical Review Letters报道的飞秒激光诱导碲化锗超快有序相变机制解决了国际相关学术争议,为光控半导体光电性质提供思路,对设计低功耗超快光存储、光计算过程具有积极意义。获2018年度中国光学学会优秀博士学位论文提名优秀奖;入选皇冠集团官网“金种子”人才工程(2018);曾获全国半导体物理学术会议邀请报告(2019);入选皇冠集团官网选皇冠集团官网优秀青年教师培养计划(2021)、皇冠集团官网“唐敖庆”青年学者(2022)、皇冠集团官网优青培育计划(2023)等。目前是皇冠集团官网计算半导体物理实验室http://www.ioe-jlu.cn/csp/index.php)核心成员










1. Xiao-Dong Li, Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Resistive Memory Devices at the Thinnest Limit: Progress and Challenges, Adv. Mater. 2307951 (2024).

2. Yingpeng Qi, Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Photoinduced Ultrafast Transition of the Local Correlated Structure in Chalcogenide Phase-Change Materials, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 135701 (2022).

3. Yu-Ting Huang, Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Two-dimensional In2Se3: A rising advanced material for ferroelectric data storage, InfoMat 4, e12341 (2022).

4. Yu-Ting Huang, Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Mexican-hat potential energy surface in two-dimensional III2-VI3 materials and the importance of entropy barrier in ultrafast reversible ferroelectric phase change, Appl. Phys. Rev. 8, 031413 (2021) [Featured article].

5. Yu-Ting Liu, Xian-Bin Li, Hui Zheng, Nian-Ke Chen, et al., High-Throughput Screening for Phase-Change Memory Materials, Adv. Funct. Mater. 31, 2009803 (2021).

6. Xue-Peng Wang, Xian-Bin Li, Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Phase-Change-Memory Process at the Limit: A Proposal for Utilizing Monolayer Sb2Te3, Adv. Sci. 8, 2004185 (2021).

7. Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Optical subpicosecond nonvolatile switching and electron-phonon coupling in ferroelectric materials, Phys. Rev. B 102, 184115 (2020).

8. Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Directional forces by momentumless excitation and order-to-order transition in Peierls-distorted solids: the case of GeTe.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 185701 (2018).

9. Nian-Ke Chen, Xian-Bin Li, Unconventional phase transition of phase-change-memory materials for optical data storage (TOPICAL REVIEW—纪念中国半导体物理学先驱—黄昆先生诞辰100周年特刊邀请综述论文), Chin. Phys. B 28,104202 (2019).

10. Xian-Bin Li, Nian-Ke Chen, Xue-Peng Wang, and Hong-Bo Sun, Phase-change superlattice materials towards low-power-consumption and high-density data storage: Microscopic picture, working principles, and optimization. Adv. Funct. Mater. 1803380, (2018).

11. Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Strong electron-polarized atom chain in amorphous phase-change memory GeSbTe alloy. Acta Mater. 143, 102 (2018).

12. Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Origin of high thermal stability of amorphous Ge1Cu2Te3 alloy: A significant Cu-bonding reconfiguration modulated by Te lone-pair electrons for crystallization. Acta Mater. 90, 88 (2015).

13. Nian-Ke Chen, et al., Metal–insulator transition of Ge–Sb–Te superlattice: An electron counting model study. IEEE T. Nanotechnol., 17, 140 (2018).




协助指导博士:国外大学继续深造全国各大高校 (985211)及研究院所。




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